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The Medical Device "Plug-and-Play" (MD PnP) Interoperability Program is promoting innovation in patient safety and clinical care by leading the adoption of secure patient-centric integration of medical devices and IT systems in clinical environments.


QMDI Project


> MD PnP White Paper
ICE Standard (ASTM F2761)



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MD PnP Program
65 Landsdowne St., Suite 200
Cambridge, MA 02139

Julian M. Goldman, MD
Program Director

Drayton Freeman
Program Assistant

The MD PnP Program received a $10M NIH Phase II Quantum Grant in 2010 for the development of a prototype healthcare intranet for improved health outcomes. 

The Vision of the NIH/NIBIB Quantum Medical Device Interoperability (QMDI) U01 grant is to create deliverables that will spark in the healthcare industry the creation and adoption of innovative healthcare applications, systems, and medical devices that enable safer and more effective care through medical device interoperability.

Success will not be achieved solely by the project, but in conjunction, partnership, and cooperation with the healthcare and related industries and the extensive activities of project collaborators.

We are using an iterative process based on industry best practices of System Engineering and Quality Development Processes which allows for clinicians and clinical engineers to communicate clinical needs and assess milestones in an effective way to developers, and will produce deliverables that are both useful and re-usable by the adoption community.

Components of the QMDI Project

Clinical Scenarios & Use Cases
We have developed four archetypal clinical scenarios which validate the use of integrated clinical environments composed of interoperable medical devices to improve the safety and efficiency of healthcare delivery and support HHS ONC HIT “meaningful use” policy objectives. The clinical scenarios were carefully selected to identify specific clinical and technical challenges to guide our plan of work. Solutions for these scenarios will be generalizable and will create building blocks for interoperability to address many other healthcare needs. The scope of the 4 scenarios cover a very broad range of enabling technology for interoperability. T
he QMDI clinical scenarios are described in this PowerPoint, and explained in further detail on our QMDI Clinical Scenarios page.

Our team is developing detailed requirements (i.e. clinical, functional, non-functional, safety) for safe and effective networking of heterogeneous (multi-vendor) medical devices to implement our use cases. 

Software & Architecture
Utilizing the requirements mentioned above, we are working to develop architecture and software to implement our use cases to enable improvements in patient care through the safe, reliable integration of medical devices and information technology.

Test & Validation Tools
The QMDI Project team will develop a suite of software tools verify that system interface software meets requirements for functionality, accuracy, timeliness, security, safety, consistency and completeness. Test tools are used both for component development and for validating compliance to design guidelines.

Organizations Collaborating on the MD PnP QMDI Project 
CIMIT/Massachusetts General Hospital (Julian Goldman P.I.)
Anakena Solutions, California (Michael Robkin)
DocBoxInc, Waltham, MA (Tracy Rausch)
University of Pennsylvania (Insup Lee)
Kansas State University (John Hatcliff)
Moberg Research, Ambler, PA (Dick Moberg)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Lui Sha)
Tim Gee - Medical Device integration consultant
VA – OHI/Office of JIV (Dr. Doug Rosendale)

This NIH project is also an HHS ONC Health IT SHARP affiliated program, under SHARP area 5 as "MD SHARP."

In 2011, NIH reorganized their project portfolio and re-categorized our Quantum award as a "Research Project Cooperative Agreement."