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The Medical Device "Plug-and-Play" (MD PnP) Interoperability Program is promoting innovation in patient safety and clinical care by leading the adoption of secure patient-centric integration of medical devices and IT systems in clinical environments.


QMDI Clinical Scenarios


> MD PnP White Paper
ICE Standard (ASTM F2761)



MD PnP Program
65 Landsdowne St., Suite 200
Cambridge, MA 02139

Julian M. Goldman, MD
Program Director

Drayton Freeman
Program Assistant

Clinical Scenarios and CConOps from "NIH Quantum Medical Device Interoperability" project (QMDI) [download ppt]

The four QMDI clinical scenarios were carefully selected to identify specific clinical and technical challenges to guide our plan of work. We chose scenarios that exemplify significant improvements in patient care; that capture problems that are solvable with available technology and without major changes in clinical staffing or training; and that have surmountable regulatory, adoption, and security barriers. Solutions for these scenarios will be generalizable and will create building blocks for interoperability to address many other healthcare needs.   

Jump to Clinical Scenario 2: Prepare ICU to Recieve Post OP Cardiac Patient
Jump to Clinical Scenario 3: Home to Hospital
Jump to Clinical Scenario 4: Levels of Interoperability for IV Sedation for a GI Procedure

Clinical Scenario #1 Patient Controlled Analgesia 
Power Point video narrative of Clinical Scenario #1 
Patient Controlled Analgesia

Video of PCA Safety Demonstration at the MD PnP Lab

Video animation of Clinical Scenario #1 Current State
Patient Controlled Analgesia

Video animation of Clinical Scenario #1 Proposed State
Patient Controlled Analgesia

Clinical Scenario #2
 Prepare ICU to Receive Post-OP Cardiac Patient
Power Point video narrative of Clinical Scenario #2 
Prepare ICU to Receive Post-OP Cardiac Patient

Video animation of Clinical Scenario #2 Current State
Prepare ICU to Receive Post-OP Cardiac Patient

Video animation of Clinical Scenario #2 Proposed State
Prepare ICU to Receive Post-OP Cardiac Patient

Clinical Scenario #3
Home to Hospital

Clinical Scenario #4
Levels of Interoperability for IV Sedation for a GI Procedure
  • Power Point video narrative of Clinical Scenario #4 Levels of Interoperability for IV Sedation for a GI Procedure (see below)