Dr. Julian Goldman
Sandy Weininger, PhD
Senior Biomedical Engineer, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Adminstration
MD PnP Safety Engineering Program Advisor
Dr. Sandy Weininger is currently a senior engineer at the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). He is keenly interested in the performance of sensors and actuators in assuring the safety of interoperable systems and electrical safety.
Dr. Weininger studied electrode-tissue interface properties to receive his BSEE and MS/BME degrees from Drexel University. A PhD in Bioengineering was awarded from the University of Pennsylvania for work in signal processing and control systems.
He is a member of the AAMI Interoperability Working Group, AAMI-UL 2800 committee, chair of the ISO-IEC Pulse Oximeter Committee, and FDA’s liaison to IEC TC 62 and SC 62A, committees responsible for safety of electromedical equipment. He has been an advisor to the MD PnP Program since its inception in 2004.

Shoumen Palit Austin Datta, PhD
Senior Scientist, MD PnP Program
Dr. Datta is interested in the medical internet of things (medical IoT). Convergence of data from medical devices and other sources may improve analytics and support point of care solutions. Prediction and prevention at home and the hospital are elements of his interest in medical IoT. He was
a Fellow in Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and is a Senior Member of the MIT Auto ID Labs and Research Affiliate, Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is the former Senior Vice President of the Industrial Internet Consortium (2013-2016) and Co-Founder and Executive/Research Director of the MIT Forum for Supply Chain Innovation (2001-2009) at the MIT School of Engineering. Complete bio
Mike Robkin
President, Anakena Solutions, Inc.
MD FIRE Project Leader, MD PnP Program
Former Board Member, Continua Health Alliance
Former Principal Enterprise Architect, Kaiser Permanente
Mike Robkin is the
MD FIRE project manager for the MD PnP Program. He internationalized the procurement contract language for hospitals and providers to purchase interoperable medical devices and systems that are necessary for safe and effective patient care.
Mr. Robkin has been developing mission-critical computer applications for more than 20 years as a programmer, systems architect, and executive. At Hughes, GM-Europe and Kaiser Permanente, he programmed one of the first photo-realistic real-time computer generated imagery systems, defined protocol standards for the first massively multi-participant real-time simulation, and developed the world's largest medical imaging enterprise architecture. Mr. Robkin was a founding member of the Board of Directors and Treasurer of the Continua Health Alliance.