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The Medical Device "Plug-and-Play" (MD PnP) Interoperability Program is promoting innovation in patient safety and clinical care by leading the adoption of secure patient-centric integration of medical devices and IT systems in clinical environments.


SmartAmerica MD PnP Healthcare App Challenge was announced June 11, 2014 at the White House SmartAmerica Expo.
NOTE - The Challenge has developed into the PMI Challenge for the Underserved

Interested in the 
App Challenge?
Click here to sign up for updates on how to participate

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MD PnP Program
65 Landsdowne St., Suite 200
Cambridge, MA 02139

Julian M. Goldman, MD
Program Director

Diana Lu
Program Manager

The App Challenge will leverage open platforms for
medical device interoperability (such as OpenICE)
to accelerate healthcare innovation.

Read the White House blog "SmartAmerica Challenge: Harnessing the Power of the Internet of Things"

  Dr. Goldman announcing App Challenge at White House

Nine computers and tablets displaying
real-time data at Smart America Expo

View summary slides of the App Challenge, presented at the White House SmartAmerica meeting on June 10, 2014.

View the complete slide set presented at the SmartAmerica Expo on June 11, 2014.

$25,000 in cash prizes made possible by a generous 
gift from the Patient Care Program of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

The SmartAmerica App Challenge was conceived at the SmartAmerica Closed-Loop Healthcare hackathon 
held in in our lab in March 2014.

At the upcoming SmartAmerica Expo App Challenge exhibit,
we will have a demonstration of medical data sharing with collaborators:

As part of the White House SmartAmerica Challenge, the MD PnP program took part in a demonstration, "Closed Loop Healthcare: From Home to Hospital to Home," at the SmartAmerica Expo in Washington, DC on June 11th.
The Expo prototype was developed during a 3-day hackathon at our lab in March.

View slides on the Closed Loop Healthcare project
Smart America Logo

White House SmartAmerica Expo
June 11, 2014
Washington DC Convention Center